Monday, February 7, 2011

Free items to Citizens

Dear Editor:Free TVs and rice at Rs 1 per kg, and many other items are offered to citizens by DMK in Tamil Nadu under the pretext of welfare to people. These schemes are however financed from the development fund allocation and therefore such disbursal severely hampers the development of the state. Apart from that, such largesse fosters laziness and acts as a deterrent to hard work . Instead, the government should strive to improve employment opportunities, improve living conditions by making available water, improving sanitary, health-care, uninterrupted power, improve efficiency in government departments, Municipal corporation and better education. If at all any item like TV is to be given, some voluntary work should be extracted from the person for at least one year, like cleaning the road of debris, help traffic police in overcoming traffic jams,helping handicapped persons/senior citizens in crossing the roads , organising queue in bus stops, festivals, and a host other activities where manual help is sourly needed. Legislation should be immediately introduced in parliament and state assembly to ban disbursal of free items to citizens from state's funds

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